Life by Design

“Life by Design”
It’s been said, “Far too many people know the “price of everything” … and the “value of nothing!”  My approach to this is simple – You must have “skin in the game” I must deliver more value than you invest in the price. Your investment in our “Personal Leadership Development Program” called “Life by Design” is both in “time” and ” money”:  What you receive:

  • An “online” Assessment (valued at $495.00) that identifies your – Strengths; Communication Style; and Values plus a 1 hr. “De-brief” of your personalized 70 pg. report.
  • Materials – Personal Leadership Development manual  (14 Chapters) ; Your Personalized Action Plan
  • (12) One-on-One weekly coaching sessions (60 min – 90 min) Delivery via phone or Zoom, your “homework” for these weekly assignments  will require ~ 1 hour to 1.5 hours per week to complete.
  • Day by Design” Time Management is a challenge for us all. By completing this 5 session course you will have: 1. Identified over 200 dreams and goals you wish to accomplish 2. Categorized those dreams into (8) separate sections, (rank ordered top to bottom) 3. Mapped out a “Perfect on Purpose Day” 4. Have the tool to implement the actions necessary to accomplish the goals identified by you Your Investment for this individual stand- alone program is Valued at $595.00
  • “Goals by Design” – It’s been said we are a nation of “Master Goal Setters,” not a Nation of “Master Goal Achievers.” Our “Goals by Design” program will establish a process and system whereby you’ll identify what “Goals” you’ll set, in several aspects of your life, ie., Mental, Physical, Social, Financial, etc; you’ll develop habits that produce outcomes you’ve selected on time every time. Your investment for this individual stand-alone program is Valued at $ 395.00

Additionally, I include unlimited text messages/ emails to receive clarification of questions generated within the weekly assignments.

You’ll find this program “Life by Design” can satisfy that hunger to discover your hidden talents and unlock your potential … our proven techniques will ensure results – “It really works!”

All of our processes are customized – check us out, you’ll be glad you did


Established in 2001

Founded in 2001, Rezults Group, Inc is the natural outcome from over 50 years of Life & Business experience.  Our founder, Willard Kille, has (27) years experience as a Financial Planner focusing on Estate Planning, Asset Protection and Retirement Planning; He has (13) years experience as a Military Fighter Pilot (he understands risks, he knows about Leadership, he personifies Team Work)   As a Business Coach, Willard, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the process needed to make your Life work as you envision it.

Meet the Business Owner: I grew up on our family farm, excelled in athletics, received a scholarship to the University of South Dakota, Commissioned in the USMC (1968), completed Flight School and was assigned to fly the F-4 Phantom Fighter in the late 60’s and early 70’s; began a career in the financial Services Industry in 1973, ultimately Founded my own Brokerage Firm (Entirety, Inc.) in 1985 and finally Founded Rezults Group, Inc in 2001

Day by Design

“Day by Design”

Time Management is a challenge for us all. By completing this 5 session course you will have:

  1. Identified over 200 dreams and goals you wish to accomplish
  2. Categorized those dreams into (8) separate sections, (rank ordered top to bottom)
  3. Mapped out a “Perfect on Purpose Day”
  4. Have the tool to implement the actions necessary to accomplish the goals identified by you. Your investment for the complete program is $595.00

You’re “In this Game” whether you want to be or not

Dear Friends:

Governments have been part of our world for over 20,000 years. There are always ‘those’ who “know better or best” (legends in their own minds) than the average person. The saying, “Power corrupts … absolute Power Absolutely Corrupts” is as real today as it was when 1st penned. Many of YOU are busy living your lives, raising children, building retirement nest eggs, creating businesses, etc.  While you go about your lives there are those who are building their Empires, Power, Political status, etc – they are what’s referred to as the “Deep State”

you hear about; they have infiltrated our government at every level and are very well ensconced in those positions.  They want your money, your efforts, your businesses and your vote or support to maintain their positions and they do a lot of different things to get it … in recent times (last 100 yrs or so) they’ve created  what we know as the “Federal Reserve System” and this is where it all began, along with leaving the “Gold Standard” in 1971 and we have today’s World and my friend Bill Bonner of his Bonner’s Diary of July 7, 2017 (see here) explains what is going on, what it means for us, and why we need to “pay attention” for if we don’t – Freedom as we’ve come to know it could become a footnote in history.

Being aware of and educated to these issues will greatly affect your life and your children’s and grandchildren’s. I strongly recommend you read these articles … failing to do so will be like as they say, “one more nail in the coffin”

Knowledge is Power …

To your future ~ may it be everything you can imagine

Who’s afraid of the “Big Bad Wolf” ? (you better BE!)

Who’s this “Big Bad Wolf” – The United States governments “DEEP STATE” ???

We hear this term “Deep State” every day, from a variety of sources.  I began hearing about it several years ago from Bill Bonner’s Diary (you can subscribe for free and it’s a daily post) and for my money he’s got the best description out there. I do (and so should you) take all this hype with a grain of sand … that said, this issue is not only of our time. Thousands of years ago a Latin phrase: panem et circenses arose –

The phrase “bread and circuses” was coined by the Roman satirist Juvenal in reference to the way the ruling class pacified the commoners by diverting them from contemplating their subjugation. In ancient Rome, the “bread” was distributions of grain, and the “circuses” were public games and other mass spectacles. In interviews, Suzanne Collins has admitted she was directly inspired by this bit of history in creating the world of The Hunger Games. Juvenal’s original Latin phrase, some might recall, is panem et circenses. By definition it’s found to be –

1.bread and circuses :  sustenance and entertainment provided by government to appease public discontent

Bonner refer’s to the “foxes” as those responsible for the Deep State ~ clever, wiley foxes who gain favor, game the system and ultimately create the structure in which they and their friends prosper at the expense of the rest of us  ( the rich insiders gain at the expense of the poor masses).

Don’t believe me? What’s our National Debt? 19 Trillion 963 Billion and counting! Congress’ approval rating is ~18%; Unemployment figures are skewed by eliminating those “so-called” who have given up looking for a job estimates have it > 8.4% (underemployed);  with the Governments stated rate at 4.3%  We all know “inflation numbers” aren’t realistic.

We are fed a constant stream of “Tweets” by the POTUS; Congress is split and deadlocked over important issues concerning us the “people” while one side was in “resistance mode” now appears to have morphed into a “Scorched Earth” policy; the Republican’s can’t /won’t / etc – reach any conclusions.  All the while they are truly espousing “Panem et Circenses” to quell the masses similiar to what the Romans were doing in the late 1st and early 2nd Centuries.

The stock market is proof that this system works for the wealthy … it’s at all time high’s in the face of World Wide issues that appear to be daunting while the rest of us hang on to the hope of real change, real leadership, better jobs, secure futures, etc. Some call that location “Hopium” I call it time to take action.  We must hold government officials accountable!