Who’s a GREAT LEAD for Rezults Group?

Who’s a GREAT LEAD for Rezults Group?
Need a change in work, career, etc?

  • Millennials
  • Anyone Under-employed
  • Entrepreneurs
  • AND FINALLY – “Small Business Owner’s”


“Today I’d like to address anyone who needs a change in his or her work. It’s about what I believe to be the main difference between those who do their work with BRILLIANCE and Ease 1  and those who don’t!”  “The former through design, luck or fate, bring their natural power and energy to their work … I call that natural power and energy genius. They also bring to their work a sense that it contributes somehow to something larger than themselves … I call that sense purpose.”

YOU all have a genius – your genius has been a source of success and satisfaction in work you’ve done in the past, and it will be the source of success and satisfaction in your future work. It’s the major factor in determining why some situations feel “just right”, while others feel just awful!

For more than 4 decades I’ve been helping people recognize their geniuses through coaching; personal development; career development; leadership and management training; team building and educational training in the business world as well as personal, spiritual and military settings. The common response to our working together has been the word “PROFOUND” in describing the experience of recognizing their geniuses and the effect it’s had on their lives.

I’ve identified (6) significant advantages to knowing their genius:

  • Stronger sense of identity
  • Clearer sense of direction
  • Increased confidence
  • Language to communicate the value you can add
  • Satisfaction and productivity in your work
  • Sense of personal harmony

Why do I do this?

When I was a boy of ~ 14 I loved football, I dreamed of being like Jim Brown the famous Hall of Fame Fullback for the Cleveland Browns … I told my neighbor this one day (he was an Army Captain at the time and a college football star in his day) he said let’s check you out … he weighed and measured me, had me run 40 yards against a stop watch; had me catch a football he threw many times; had me thrown many passes to him and he finally told me something that broke my heart – “Son you’re NO FULLBACK!” I would have cried except I was too proud … then he said looking me straight in my eyes “YOU ARE A QB!” “Really I replied?” “Yes,” he said “and you’ll play college ball too – TRUST ME!”  I was in heaven at that moment … it literally changed my life (he’d discovered my genius) He didn’t call it that, but that’s what it was.  From that day forward I’ve found myself helping others “find their genius” and the rewards for me have been incredible and for those I’ve worked with even more significant.

BTW … the next year I entered high school, I played QB, I started my last (2) yrs; I was recruited to play QB at U of South Dakota and started my freshman yr; played several games on the  Varsity my sophomore yr before sustaining a career ending knee injury (roughing the kicker, tore my ACL among other ligaments in that knee)

What do we do?

Work with individuals, teams, departments, etc to identify their genius and purpose in their lives. Align their natural attributes, skills and talents with their “job descriptions” and if they are NOT in alignment, adapt and change the “job description” or change the job!

How do we do this?

We have a world class assessment tool; we integrate several books with exercises that “zero-in” on your natural talents; identify your best attributes; help you list 100+ dreams (those dreams you expect to accomplish in your life) and develop the skill set to “SET and ACHIEVE” those dreams thru “Goal Planning” using our “GPS” system

Interested in finding out more? Give me a call or text to 801.560.9945 … the 1st visits on us!

  1. Dick Richards ~ “Is your Genius at Work 4 Key questions to ask (Davies-Black Publishing (c) 2005)

Remember or Forget?

Remember or Forget?

It’s the 10th of January 2017. Have you “Remembered” or “Forgotten”?

What, you may be asking? Resolutions of course!

Popular consensus has it that by the 31st of January most will have abandoned their New Year’s Eve’s Resolutions.  A somewhat more studied approach has that date moved to Feb 14th … neither seems to stake a claim of success for us as a people does it?

Does it really matter IF we set resolutions in the grand scheme of things? I believe it does … and here’s why – Your self-esteem is on the line; your integrity is at stake; your future hangs in the balance.

(A bit of science here, if you’ll allow, it’s known it takes energy to move, but few remember, it takes energy to stay put!) Since we know staying put, idle, in-active, stationary, etc or any other synonym for the action of taking no action requires energy on our part, it’s a waste of all that’s good to not improve.  My perspective is we don’t get the luxury of “sitting on the fence” we are either improving or not, progressing or not. We therefore should do what we can to constantly improve, we send our children to school for this very reason for 12 or 16 or for some a life time of education … why not hold our own standards to this opportunity of excellence?

WHY is what we should be asking ourselves, why, do we walk away from our resolutions? Some will say, “well, I simply forgot … got involved in life and all its activities and simply forgot.” Others will admit that, “I didn’t forget, in fact I remembered and upon further introspection decided I didn’t really want to accomplish that resolution.”  My mother once told me, “If you’re going to use an excuse – any excuse will do, you might as well say I didn’t do it because I ran out of peanut butter!”


Let’s explore how it is that some people manage to set and achieve their resolutions, or goals. They don’t necessarily wait until 11:59 p.m. of the 31st day of any year to attempt such an exercise. They plan to accomplish their goals, resolutions and dreams in a more formalized setting. December is a great month  for this, there are many “free” days and business typically runs on a holiday schedule between Dec 25th and Dec 30th allowing you to find all the time necessary to reflect on your year and challenge yourself to do better in what you’ll find are “important aspects of your life”.  I suggest you break it down into professional and personal goals. You’ll find many approaches to the categories or sections of your life to improve, I like to use these: Mental, Social, Physical, Financial, Family, and Spiritual for Personal and these for professional: Profit, Products, Skills, Productivity, Physical facilities, and People (employee) development

Rank or score yourself on a scale from low to high as to your current satisfaction in each area; in those areas where you KNOW you need to improve you have a “ready-made” list of goals or resolutions.


I’ve found that when I’ve included “significant others” in my coming years goals and they ask me “how are you doing on such and such” I never FORGET (I’d be embarrassed) and I always REMEMBER.

How do I do it, you might be asking yourself? I follow my own advice, I enlist the use of my “GPS” (Goal Planning System) … feel free to reach out to me here and I’ll provide you a complimentary glimpse into our system over the phone.

Have a Prosperous and Happy New Year,

Willard Kille