"So much cheese ... so little time!"

I’ve mentioned before, my definition of the purpose of business is to, “identify, acquire and maintain customers.”  That said, let’s be pro-active in our quest.  Somewhere in our Vision, Mission, Sales, Marketing, and Branding Statements, let’s “open our minds,” to these concepts:

#1.    PURPOSE If you’re into personal branding with the goal of making money, stop now. You will attract the wrong kind of people into your life. Instead, start with the goal of making meaning. What better way to align all your actions with your long-term goals. What kind of meaning will you make? Let me suggest two ideas for inspiration: 1) right a wrong, or 2) prevent the end of something good. Instead of striving to become “the best in the World,” strive to become “the best FOR the World.”

#2.    MANTRA In three words or less, what are you all about? Some people believe that mission statements are useless.(not me … but some do!) They say – make a mantra instead. FedEx stands for “peace of mind.” What do you stand for, in the simplest terms?

#3.    POLARIZE Pundits often advise against being a “jack of all trades,” or a generalist that isn’t very good at something specific. Instead, being great for some people rather than trying to please everyone. Do not be afraid to make people react strongly for or against you. As a former business partner used to remind me, you’re not doing something right unless you’re ticking someone off. That doesn’t mean be a jerk. That means just don’t try to appeal to all people, or you’ll end up a mile wide and an inch deep – mediocre to everyone.

#4.    FRIENDS We’re all on this journey together. It’s silly to think we are alone in our careers or in our life. Find people who balance you. Then make time for them. If you’re busy, make plans in advance so you don’t have to schedule around them. You’re only one person, so surround yourself with people whose skills round you off.

#5.    STAND STRONG Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone will always agree with you. That’s a fact of life. So don’t let criticism or doubters bring you down. As you live out your mantra, it’s your responsibility to be strong in the face of “no,” and “you can’t do that.” Ignore people who say you won’t succeed or use negative words as motivation. Prove people wrong.

Find your strengths … play to them … and I promise you, you’ll “get your fair share.” Rezults Group, Inc here in Salt Lake City, Utah works closely with entrepreneurs and business owners assisting then to “get their fair share.”

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