5 Vital Questions for Superior Leadership Performance

There are five vital questions that you must ask yourself regularly if you want to lead and perform at your very best:

First: What am I trying to do? Define the ideal goal or outcome that you are striving for before you begin. If you are working with others, make sure that everybody is crystal clear about the “what,” the desired result, before anyone starts work.

Second: How am I trying to do it? Make sure that this is the best way.  Ask if there could be another way. Always remain open to the possibility that you could be wrong. Think through and analyze your approach to be sure that it is the very best way to go about achieving your goal or objective.

Third: What are my assumptions? Are you making any assumptions with regard to the market, the actions or performance of other people, the underlying motives of the key players, or the outcome of future events? Remember, as Alec McKenzie wrote, “Errant assumptions lie at the root of most failures.”

Fourth: What if your assumptions were wrong? What if something that you believed to be true turned out not to be true at all? Perhaps someone you are negotiating with is only using this negotiation with you in order to get a better price or deal from someone else. Always be willing to question your most cherished assumptions.

Fifth: What would I have to do differently if my key assumptions were wrong? What would you do if this approach failed completely? What are your alternatives? If you were not now doing it this way, would you start it over again? Always be willing to ask the question, “How else could I go about achieving this same result?”

Are You a Focused, Fine Tuned, Motivated Leader?

The reason I ask, is that I overheard someone call the owner of a local printing company a “wandering generality.”  Wow, that just sounds awful – doesn’t it? I probed as much as I dared and discovered the employee felt the owner seemed to “chase” the idea of the day- whether it had to do with leadership, sales, customer satisfaction, promotions, benefits, etc.

A common thread was mentioned, “The old man NEVER attends these trainings, never follows through on implementing any of the processes or procedures and never asks for any of our opinions or suggestions on such matters … he just posts a notice and expects us all to attend and magically “improve” after the class.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar circumstance?  Have you ever been that wandering generality?

Sadly, from my research, this is not a unique situation.  Leadership training, sales training, time management, customer satisfaction, etc are taught to the tune of billions of dollars per year, in fact, Leadership Development Training alone accounts for ~ $12 Billion per year itself!  There must be some element of a “revolving door” paradigm here … year after year Billions upon Billions – is this stuff Rocket Science?

Our clients have embraced the premise that we begin with “the end in mind.”  The end typically is summed up in some fashion similar to “let’s be more successful at what we do.”

That statement, like a rabbit hole, can lead you deeper and deeper into the unknown.  “KISS” makes sense here; Keep it simple, stupid (a design principle implemented by the US Navy coined in the ‘60’s) so we have arrived at this, “Success is the continuous achievement of YOUR – pre-determined Goals, stabilized by Balance and Purified by Belief.”  There you have it (17) words, simple, easy and concise.  NOW just go implement it!

Leadership Development Training is vital in today’s ever changing world. Some have defined it this way, “The role of Leadership is to find, recognize and secure the future.”  Others state it as accomplishing tasks through others, “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

Defining Leadership will not solve our problems, becoming successful under all conditions and circumstances will.  How then does one go about it?  Do we start with the company?  The Executive team? The President and CEO? Yes.  All the above is required to successfully implement a Leadership Development Program in your business.  Sole-proprietors, Entrepreneurs, Fortune 100 … it makes no difference, it all comes down to “personal responsibility”… “Personal integrity” and the ability to Lead ones self – then we can lead others, actually others will follow us to the ends of the Earth (we don’t need to advertise it)

It’s a developmental process; there is no such thing “as a born leader” – Leadership is developed; everyone can and should be a leader and the sooner you build an organization around that principle the sooner you’ll embrace success on a continuous basis.

As I look honestly into my past, I can truthfully see that I too was a “wandering generality,” in my younger days having followed (or chased) programs of the day.  With the discipline, focus and motivation of an experienced Coach I am now able to set and achieve goals, communicate with clarity, enjoy time freedom, I’m creating a Vision for personal direction and decision making and most importantly I’m able to “pay it forward” by working with many who seek similar outcomes in their personal and professional lives.

Call me at 1-801-560-9945 so we can get acquainted and talk about your personal and professional goals. Let me tell you how I can help you live the life you’ve envisioned. It’s a free call so you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Business Coaching – The Rezults Group Way

Want to develop the people in your company or organization to achieve more of their real Potential, so that you accelerate the success in your business? Let Rezults Group, Inc’s – Corporate Coaching help develop your people through our unique process

Looking to develop your own full potential? More and more people are working one-on-one with individual coaches to increase and accelerate their personal and business success, and to achieve their goals. Let Rezults Group, Inc’s Individual Coaching help you reach your true Potential.

Willard Kille is the founder and CEO of Rezults Group, a professional services and coaching firm with offices in Salt Lake City, Utah. Willard specializes in Corporate Coaching and Individual Coaching. All the processes he facilitates focus on “Goal Setting” more specifically in creating “Master Goal Achievers” not simply “Master Goal Setters”

Contact us:


[email protected]


The Man on the Top of the Mountain – did not fall there.

Will You reach the Top of YOUR Mountain?

There are unlimited Mountains to climb in this World; the physical ones and the ones we select in our careers, education paths, financial aspirations’, health concerns, etc.  You’ve grown up hearing from parents, teachers, friends and colleagues that you should “grow up” and reach your potential.  What is your potential? How do you find out which path to pursue?  There are many in the World who would tell you what your path should be, what you should pursue (follow in your Father’s footsteps); How about those in your community who remind you we’re – “coal miners” or “farmers” or “factory workers.”  Well meaning bits of advice from concerned friends, family and teachers have led, far too many, aspiring young people down paths that just doesn’t “fit” your skill set, talent, gift, dream or whatever it is that ultimately leads you to your fullest “Potential”

Many paths exist that will allow you to discover who you are, what your talents are, what you bring to the table and the common link between these paths is you are required to develop these traits.  In today’s vocabulary we call it “Personal Development” – many years ago young people were required to pass through adolescence into adulthood via a “Vision Quest”

We’ve discovered along the way that there is “no” one correct path … only “your” correct path.  Observing young children we find an endless fountain of ideas, dreams, activities and quests.  We also observe many “well meaning” care takers who for lack of a better description, “rain on their parades.”  Unfortunately, many of our best dreamers succumb to those who “rain on their parade” and begin to walk on the path that I call conformity.  Somewhere between the ages of 3-6 we begin to limit the “dreams” of these young aspiring firemen, astronauts, pilots, policemen, Doctor’s, etc.  The regimentation in school begins (Don’t speak unless spoken to; Don’t speak in class; Stay in line; Follow the rules;  Walk in single file; Don’t speak to strangers; etc)  All reasonable rules for 5 & 6 year olds – the problem is no one ever rescinds these rules when they obviously aren’t necessary.  We’ve got an adult population that describes their biggest fear as “speaking in public” closely behind that is “talking to strangers” (how’s that working out for those in sales?)

If any of this sounds familiar, don’t fret, there are millions of others just like you (100’s of millions) we’ve been pursuing this path for thousands of years.  A solution exists.  It’s there for the asking.  Libraries are full of books on the subject; industry and business leaders spend Billions of dollars every year to find a workable solution for their employees.  Seminars, webinars, podcasts, training programs, etc., exist to help you find YOU.

I’ve been walking down this path for decades; searching for who I am, what I am, my talents, skills and passions, I’ve been to countless Seminars, webinars, etc and since 2001 I’ve dedicated my life to helping others find their path and in fact embrace their talents, skills, and live their dreams.  I’ve developed a “system” to find out the answer to those questions in their personal and professional lives.  Setting and more importantly achieving their goals/dreams/passions.  I explain to my clients, “I don’t have the answers to those questions for you … but I do have the best questions to ask you to guide you towards that ideal – your fullest Potential.”  Many have succeeded, I’m inviting you to join me if you have an interest in developing the mind set necessary to achieve it also – send me an email or text and let’s talk.  No obligation on your part, just 30 minutes to explore the possibility … you posses the ability to be that person who gets to the Top of your mountain (no one except you will get you there)


How do you define the word, success? Webster’s defines success as: a favorable outcome or result; also the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. Here’s how some famous figures in history have defined the term:

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. ~Albert Einstein

To follow, without halt, one aim: There’s the secret of success. ~Anna Pavlova

It is possible to fail in many ways … while to succeed is possible only in one way. 
~ Aristotle

What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. ~ Bob Dylan

I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite. ~ G. K. Chesterton

If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius. 
~ Joseph Addison

A minute’s success pays the failure of years. ~ Robert Browning

Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture.~ Norman Vincent Peale

But you know what, who cares how Webster’s defines it? And why does it matter what Albert Einstein thought about it? Take some steps, grab a “GPS” (Goal Planning Sheet (or two or three!) and define what success means to you today … tomorrow … this week … this month … this year.

BTW – I teach my clients that “Success is the continuous achievement of Your Pre-determined goals, Stabilized by Balance and purified by Belief.” Give us a call and we can help you become a Master Goal Achiever not just a Master Goal Setter !

Time Management that Works

“Help me, I can’t manage my calendar!” Do you ever run into this problem?  I hear from clients, friends, family members, and business owners daily about this issue.  It’s a Bill Murray “Ground Hog Day” real life story.

I’ve got a solution for you it’s called, “Your Perfect on Purpose Day.” We’ll spend (4) 1.5 hour sessions together with you on the phone or on our web video site where you’ll gather the practical experience to get control of your day.  You’ll complete home work assignments between our sessions and you’ll build your Perfect Day.

The process is built around your answer to this question – “Do you lead a goal directed life?” If the answer is anything other than a FIRM “Yes” we can help you.

I’ve discovered that far too many people in this society are what I define as – “Master Goal Setters.”  Our time together will change that; you’ll become what I call a “Master Goal Achiever.”

Setting and Achieving Goals is the key to success in every aspect of your life, if fact we define Success this way, “The continuous achievement of your pre-determined goals, stabilized by balance and purified by belief.”  We have a G P S that will get you there – a Goal Planning Sheet.  The process when followed produces results, you will “live a goal directed life,” and this applies in every aspect of your life – personal and professional; it has transformed people’s lives, businesses have improved their bottom lines … the proper balance between personal and professional goals in your life will amaze you as to what can be accomplished in a day.

Contact us today, spend 15 minutes and get your complimentary coaching session – you won’t regret it!

FTC: One Out of Five Consumers Has Errors on Their Credit Report

caption=”Which one is you?

Go to this link to watch the story on how many people have errors in their report (how many are significant errors!) and what to do to fix it!  When it comes to your Credit File YOU must be proactive to maintain it up to date and error free … the report effects many aspects of your life: refinance of home, auto’ loans;  Home owners insurance rates;  health Insurance rates; ability to rent an apartment, house, office space, etc.  We provide continuous monitoring; repair; restoration and Peace of Mind for your entire family for pennies a day, check it out

How to Respond to a Suspicious IRS-related Communication

Identity Thieves are busy this time of the year.  They are making the IRS work overtime.  Currently, as of September 2012, there were 650,000 unresolved cases within the IRS dealing with Identity Theft.  Here’s a link to help you if you receive suspicious IRS-related communications

Tax Related Identity Theft

As many people are filing their taxes it’s time to be on the lookout for what the Identity Thieves are doing … here’s an article that may prove useful (more)

Stickups – Down … Identity Theft – Up

Bank robberies are down significantly plummeting over that past 15 years.  What was once a “high -reward … Low -risk” crime is now just the opposite.  Banks have employed guards, sentencing is more strict and the result was as expected – less bank robbery.

Criminals have “adapted” just like viruses and are now immune to the latest tactics used by law enforcement and are now using “cyber techniques” to accomplish their robberies.  Identity theft is up significantly over the same period and the trend is increasing.  The criminals now look at Identity Theft as the “high – reward … low – risk” crime of choice.  Jack Nicas wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal on February 5, 2013 – “Crime That No Longer Pays” … you might peruse it for greater insight.

My solution to this and other cyber crimes is to use the Legal Shield Identity Theft Protection Plan that covers me and my spouse, and for an extra $1.00 it covers all my dependent children under the age of 18 – it differs from all other plans in that it provides “Restoration”, in other words they restore my credit back to its’ pre-breach status.  My accounts are continuously monitored, any activity is reported to me via email and text msg, I check the activity to see if its been generated by me, if not I call an 800 number and begin the fix, restore process – all for $13.95 a month.  It’s that easy to provide you and your loved ones Peace of Mind!  Take a look at what is provided by clicking (more) and if you want assistance in setting up your families protection get in touch with me.